'Fortnite' Time Trial Locations: Where To Complete The Time Trial Southwest Of Salty Springs

Credit: Epic Games

Time to run, jump and play, because we're doing time trials again this week in Fortnite: Battle Royale. It's a little hard to parse the theme of the "Storm RAcers" mission aside from "run around in a sort of storm-adjacent way", but I suppose these time trials are more about the racing part and less about the storm. You can choose from two to complete, though I'm not quite sure why the game didn't just stretch things out a little bit by asking you to do both. Regardless, you can read up on the one by Pleasant Park here, and I think it's the easiest of all the time trials I've done in this game, which is a bit of a shame. But read on for a map, guide and location for where to complete a time trial southwest of Salty Springs.

A note on this one: I wasn't able to personally confirm this, because I did the time trial East of Pleasant Park first, and apparently these markers despawn once you complete the challenge. Which is odd! I like the time trials, and I'd rather just go ahead and do them both. But it's a strange sort of season here in Fortnite, and I can't help but feel like everyone is just biding their time and preparing for Season 11.

You're going to want to go to drop right on the edge of the snow biome, a good ways away from Salty Springs. Here's where you're looking:

Credit: Epic Games

Once you're on the ground, look for the translucent blue stopwatch icon. Activate this to begin the time trial, and then follow the checkpoints to get it done. I can't do it myself, but here's a little video showing you where to find that one. There are a ton of driftboards on the ground, so might as well pick one up in the meantime.

And that's it: I have to say, I was excited about the return of Time Trials, but these haven't been all that exciting. My guess is that the prestige time trials will be more itneresting, but I don't get the feeling that a lot of players are bothering much with those anyways.

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