'Fortnite' All 5 Honey Jar Locations for The Bears Secret Challenge Guide

Fortnite got three Secret Challenges alongside update 12.30, and we're here to tell you how to get at least two of them done for a total of 40,000 XP each. Want to know where you can find Honey Jars to finish the For the Bears quest? We've got you covered.

The Ted Offensive

In order to start collecting Honey Jars, you must first find the Ted Offensive Plans to unlock the additional step. Some of you may have done this already, but, if not, you must first go to Peely's cabin in the northwest part of Weeping Woods.

It looks like this.

Go inside and whack the bookcase by the fireplace to reveal a secret passage. Drop down the hatch, break through the elevator door and you'll see this meeting room. The Ted Offensive plans are on the table. There's your first dose of 40,000 XP.

Fortnite "For the Bears" Honey Jar Locations

Now for the real reason you're probably here. Ted Offensive Plans in hand, the next step is to find five Honey Jars. They actually show you the locations on the Daily Challenge assignment board, but we'll make things clearer for those who can't see it. The Honey Jars look like this, you'll know you're close to a location when you hear the sound of buzzing bees and your controller starts to vibrate. Here are the exact locations to watch out for.

1) On a big tree north of Lazy Lake.

2) In the orchard north of Frenzy Farm.

3) Northwest of Pleasant Park, also by a tree.

4) Next to Flopper Pond, which is northwest of Weeping Woods.

5) On a hill overlooking the Agency building, to the south of it.

Find all five of these Honey Jars and the For the Bears quest will be complete. In case you're counting, that's another 40,000 XP for your Battle Pass.

Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile. The Secret Challenges are live now on all platforms.

What do you think of these new Secret Challenges in Fortnite? Were you able to get 80,000 XP by following this guide? Tell us in the comments section!

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