Call of Duty: Warzone is planning to take a page out of Fortnite's book. Narrative director Taylor Kurosaki told VentureBeat that Infinity Ward is planning to introduce Fortnite-style events in the battle royale game to help keep the experience feeling fresh and worth coming back to again and again.
"That's exactly the kind of thing that we're working on, that we have planned," Kurosaki said about Warzone introducing events that change the experience. "It's all going to fit into this macro that we've established in Modern Warfare, and that we've continued into Warzone. If you know who the players are in Modern Warfare, it'll all make sense, and it'll all feel appropriate to the universe."
Fortnite regularly mixes things up inside of its game, including meteors that have crashed onto the map, in-game concerts featuring some of the world's biggest acts, and of course the biggest one of all: a total blackout that lasted two days.
It remains to be seen if Warzone will make live, dynamic changes to the Verdansk map like Fortnite has, or if the developers are planning live events of a different nature. Kurosaki said in the VentureBeat interview that he wants Warzone to unfold like an episodic TV series.
"A lot of the time, when the showrunners of the Sopranos or Lost or something like that are setting out to tell a story, they're not exactly sure how many seasons the show is going to be on the air," he said. "We know where we're going, and we know where we're starting from. The question just remains, how long will it take us to get to our conclusion? That's kind of up to our fans."
Kurosaki teased that Warzone fans can look forward to additional story details coming to light through Warzone, including how Alex--the new Season 3 operator--survived the events of Modern Warfare's campaign. "Our fans are super-hungry for more story," Kurosaki said. "They want to know how Alex got out of the gas lab at the end of the campaign. They want to unlock the mystery."
Go to VentureBeat to read the full interview.
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