Credit: Epic GamesIt’s time for Mewoscles! Mewoscles has always been the unquestionable star of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2, rocketing towards meme status only moments after he was revealed at the start of the season. He is, I believe, the character most directly inspired by furries that I’ve eve seen in a piece of mainstream media, and the internet loves him for it: a big, hunky, shirtless cat with a powerful mythic assault rifle. You can find him now on the Yacht, complete with gym accessible only by adorable little cat doors that you need to crouch through. His challenges go live tomorrow, March 19, and of course we’ve got an early look through datamining.
Some of these are hard! The assault rifle challenge and the creeping cardboard challenge should cause some trouble, and the location based “one match†challenge isn’t as easy as some other, similar challenges. And miniguns aren’t the most common weapon on the map, though dropping into Team Rumble and spraying should make it pretty easy to do some damage.
These things will go live tomorrow morning, so check back in then for guides. You also may need to do a bit of grinding if you haven’t unlocked these guy yet: he’s Tier 60 in the battle pass, because we’re moving up and up with featured characters as the weeks go on, all the way until Midas at Tier 100. So make sure to clear out some of those TNTina and Brutus challenges if you need some more tiers in the meantime. You’ve got until next week for loyalty, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
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