'Fortnite' Update 12.20 Skin Leaks: Slurp Squad & Secret Agents

The Fortnite 12.20 update has dropped, which means new skins and cosmetics have been leaked by dataminers. This patch adds 11 new skins featuring the secret agent motif established by Season 2, giving players with an eye for chaos a chance to deal more stylish damage.

The Slurp line of blue-tinted skins continues, with three amorphous blobs joining the fight. These Slurp Legends are gooey versions of classic Fortnite skins like the base skin, the fish blob Leviathan and the popular Brite Bomber. Like Dr. Slurpo and Slurpentine revealed in the previous datamine, these skins will eventually plop onto lobbies and the Item Shop.

If you want to add some finesse to your Fortnite gameplay, the new Tailor skin is likely to be a must buy. What looks like a normal scoundrel in a teal outfit, the skin changes color depending on how many kills you accrue or the items you pick up. If you want to get a Victory Royale with class, there's no better skin to do it with.

With a whole new wave of skins hiding in the game's files, there are still a few teased outfits we haven't seen. The most obvious cosmetic to remain off the grid is Deadpool, Marvel's Merc with a Mouth. Fans have been waiting patiently to get their hands on the foul-mouthed assassin but still have to wait to complete all his weekly challenges. As frustrating as that is, the gorgeous Oro skin (which was featured in the recent Choppa trailer) also remains a mystery. I'd prefer to be a golden sun god over a slurp ball any day.

Fortnite 12.20 Skin Leaks

Slurp Jonesy- Slurp up and ship out.

Slurp Bandolette- Slurp-fueled ambush predator of the jungle.

Slurp Leviathan- Call me Slurp Fish.

Bonehead- Show them your inner fire.

Master Minotaur- Unleash your manimal instincts.

Blockade Runner- Break through enemy lines.

Wiretap- Never tap out.

Envoy- There is no such thing as second best.

Crimson Elite- A true legend on the rise.

Scarlet Commander- Unknown and unforgettable.

These skins will be hitting the Item Shop sometime over the next few weeks. Though they may not be as flashy or even as interesting as what we've seen in the past, they should still keep you busy while waiting for more updates. Take the new Choppa item for a spin and enjoy the chaos in your games (rather than what's happening outside).

How do you feel about this new batch of skin leaks found in Fortnite update 12.20? Tell us in the comments section.

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