‘Fortnite’ Boss Weapon List And Locations: Where To Collect Different Boss Weapons


Credit: Epic Games

It might not look quite as dramatic as when Epic first unveiled the desert or ice biomes, but in a lot of ways the hideouts of Fortnite have been the most dramatic seasonal addition to the game since the developer first started this whole format. It adds an entirely new gameplay element to the standard battle royale format, letting you square off with AI controlled henchmen and security devices in an escalating battle that eventually pits you against a high-powered boss. Many of the challenges so far this season have us exploring these new hideouts and going toe-to-toe with Ghost and Shadow, and for good reason: it’s pretty fun to do. This week, we’re after boss weapons, so read on for a map, guide, list and locations.

Bosses are found at each hideout on the map: the Rig, the Shark, the Agency, the Grotto and the Yacht. Here’s who you’ll find in each spot:


Credit: Epic Games/Erik Kain

The bosses are each one of the battle pass skins, so killing them will net you one of the high-powered mythical weapons you need to complete this challenge. Here’s who’s where, and what they drop:

  • Brutus is at The Grotto and drops Brtus’ Mini-gun
  • TNTina is at The Rig and drops TNTina’s Kaboom Bow
  • Meowscles is at The Yacht and drops Meowscles’ Peow Peow Rifle
  • Skye is at The Shark and drops Sky’s Assault Rifle and an infinite-use Grappler Gun
  • Midas is at The Agency and drops Midas’ Tommy Gun
  • Fair warning: the bosses are genuinely tough, and can take you out with ease if you’re not careful. I’ve had the easiest time with Meowscles, generally speaking, but you’ll need to get several of them in order to complete this challenge. Take care to eliminate a bunch of henchmen before you enter a fight, and stock up on ammo: you’ll want something that works at a bit of a distance, because they’ve got more health than you and can shred you in a blow-trading situation.

    Take one down, however, and you’ll get some of the best weapons in the game. These things can offer a big advantage when fighting other players, so collect them fo fun and profit as you complete those challenges.

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