Epic Games has a new president. Adam Sussman, who most recently worked at the sneaker and athletics company Nike, will be heading up the publisher. Sussman announced the news with a note on LinkedIn. An Epic Games spokesperson confirmed the move to GameSpot.
"While it's bittersweet, I am so excited to join Epic and honored to be part of the remarkable team that has built one of the biggest games in the world," he said. "2020 will be a big year... A Return to gaming, a move to North Carolina and an opportunity to help change the future of gaming."
Sussman served as Chief Digital Officer at Nike. Prior to that, he was a senior VP at Zynga, a senior VP at Disney, and Vice President of Worldwide Publishing at EA.
His allusion to one of the world's biggest games is an obvious reference to Fortnite, which has demanded much of the studio's attention in recent years. The company has also been making inroads with its Epic Games Store, which has presented a serious challenger to Steam as a PC digital storefront. The success of Fortnite has allowed the company to offer a rotation of free games on the Epic store. And under the hood of many games, Epic still develops and licenses the Unreal Engine.
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