It appears another crossover skin is on the way to Fortnite. The game's official Twitter account tweeted out an image of Harley Quinn's iconic mallet, suggesting a skin based on the character will be added to coincide with the new Birds of Prey film.
This isn't the only indication that a Harley Quinn skin is coming to the game. Following Fortnite's 11.50 patch, dataminers have uncovered two Harley Quinn skins in the game--one based on her appearance in Birds of Prey, the other on 2016's Suicide Squad. Dataminers have also spotted evidence of a related set of Harley Quinn challenges, although developer Epic Games has not confirmed anything yet.
In the meantime, a new event called Love and War is now underway in Fortnite. The event runs until February 17 and revolves around the new Search and Destroy mode, which has two teams of six players taking turns both attacking and defending an area of the map over a maximum of 11 rounds. Alongside the event is a set of Love and War challenges to complete, which will unlock exclusive cosmetics.
In addition to the Love and War event, the aforementioned 11.50 patch made some rather significant under-the-hood changes to Fortnite, implementing a new physics engine and resolving a handful of bugs. You can find the patch notes for the update on Epic's website.
Season 2 of Fortnite Chapter 2 is slated to begin later this month, which means time is running out to complete any remaining challenges from this season. If you need help with those, we've gathered up our maps and guides for all the trickier missions in our Fortnite Chapter 2 challenges roundup.
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