The new Rippley vs Sludge challenges are now live in Fortnite. Here's how to solve them.
Credit: Epic GamesEpic Games has released a bunch of new challenges this morning as something of a surprise. Normally, challenges go live on Thursday mornings but Epic has thrown us a curveball this Wednesday.
The first batch of challenges is the Rippley Vs Sludge mission bundle. By completing these challenges you can get a third Purple-themed variant of this skin. The challenges were released alongside the v11.40 update.
Here are all the challenges, though many will be locked, requiring you to complete early challenges to reach later ones. It’s a very bad way of releasing challenges and I hope against hope that Epic stops this practice next season and allows players to tackle challenges in any order and all at the same time.
Here are the challenges:
Wrap these up and you’ll unlock the following skin style:
Purple Rippley
Credit: Epic GamesYou’ll also get 52,000 XP for each challenge completed. What a strange season this is, but I guess at least we all have time to level up as much as possible.
Best of luck out there, young padawans! I’ll link to our other guides as those are written.
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