‘Fortnite’ Ice Box Locations: Where To Search Ice Boxes


Credit: Epic games

Here is an odd coincidence: for weeks, my ice machine has been broken. And today, when I came back from a trip to write this guide, I find that somehow while I was away, my ice machine had been miraculously fixed. And so it appears entirely appropriate that this is the Winterfest challenge we’re working with today: searching ice boxes. The ice boxes found inside the game are a little more on a commercial scale than what I’m working with, but still. Read on for a map, guide and locations for where to search Ice Boxes for this Fortnite Winterfest challenge.

To start off, you’re looking for the image at the top of this post. Think of one of those boxes outside of gas stations where you grab a bag to fill your cooler up. You only need two, and there’s at least one place where you can do this in one fell swoop: inside of the largest lodge in Weeping Woods.

If you need some more locations, here’s a map for your trouble:


Credit: epic Games

A pretty straightforward challenge, at the end of the day, but a decent enough way to pass the time and grab some new loot. I’m fairly certain these things were on the old island as well, but like the dumpsters they didn’t have any functionality until Chapter 2.

I’m enjoying the Winter aesthetic overall: last year we only got one day of total snow cover, but this year we’ve got significantly more seasonal weather along with the occasional blizzard, which I’m in love with. Minor aesthetic changes are one thing, but it’s always fun when the game finds a way to embrace a certain theme in a way that both impacts gameplay and isn’t just “add more zombies”.

We’re almost through with Winterfest, so keep on trucking, opening those presents and finishing those challenge.s

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