‘Fortnite’ Orchard Location: Where To Consume Foraged Apples At The Orchard



This week Fortnite has rolled out a new series of Trick Shot challenges which naturally, have nothing to do with making trick shots in any capacity because of course not, why would they. Rather, they’re a bunch of random challenges that include consuming three foraged apples at The Orchard.

The Orchard is not a named location on the map, but rather one of the landmarks that you will randomly find yourself stumbling into as you play. There are about 50+ of those on the map, so even if you’ve been there before you may not remember where it is, so here’s a guide to help you get back there.

Go here to see where to dance at the Pipeman, the Hayman and the Timber Tent. Go here to see where to find the letter T in the loading screen.

It’s actually one of the most visible landmarks on the map that isn’t named, so it isn’t too terribly difficult to locate. You want to sail in north of Frenzy Farm and south west of Steamy Stacks.



Here’s where it is on the map. You can see it’s a pretty decently sized chunk of land.



Once you get there, there are two groves of apple trees so you can take your pick to start munching down on apples. There should be plenty on the ground, but since this is an instantly unlocked challenge as of today, there will probably be a lot of other people around gobbling up apples too, so it may turn into a game of Hungry Hungry Hippo down there pretty fast. Do kids even play that anymore? Did I just date myself? Do kids play any games that aren’t Minecraft or Fortnite or Rocket League? Probably not.



Anyway, these apples work how apples used to work on the old map, Chapter 2 apples do not have any special properties. They just heal you for five health if you need it, and will not give you shields or anything if you’re at full health. The wording of the challenge just says that you need to consume them, not that you actually need to be healed by them, so in that case just eat three in a row and you’re done. If for some reason you do need to heal, find the nearest barn and jump off of it to get injured enough to make the apples heal you. I tried this for science and took 30 damage. That was pointless.

But yeah, this is an easy challenge once you remember where the Orchard actually is, and I hope that I’ve helped you with that. See you out there for some apple picking.

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