'Fortnite' All EGO Outpost Locations Lowdown Week 5 Challenge Guide

Fortnite Week 5 Lowdown Challenges are officially live, and two of them have players searching Chests inside and Visiting EGO Outposts. These Outposts are technically marked on the Battle Royale map, but they're easy to miss if you're not looking out for them. As such, we've listed all five EGO Outpost locations below. Once you visit each location, go inside to see if there are any Chests nearby.

Fortnite EGO Outpost Locations

Fortnite's EGO Outposts are large buildings that look like this. Approach one or open a Chest inside one to get credit for either of the Week 5 Lowdown Challenges.

1) An EGO Outpost on the beach west of Pleasant Park

2) En EGO Outpost southwest of Holly Hedges

3) An EGO Outpost near a small grouping of trees northwest of Lazy Lake

4) An EGO Outpost in the mountainous area southwest of Moisty Meadows

5) An EGO Outpost in a clearing northwest of Dirty Docks

Head to all five of these locations to work toward the larger Week 5 Lowdown reward.

Fortnite The Lowdown Challenges

Locating and looting Chests inside EGO Outposts is part of the larger collection of Lowdown Challenges that went live in Fortnite Thursday morning. For those who missed the news, the full list of challenges is below.

  • Search Chests at E.G.O. outposts (seven)
  • Deal damage to opponents while riding in a Motorboat (500)
  • Visit different E.G.O. outposts (five)
  • Assault Rifle Eliminations (three)
  • Revive a teammate in different matches (three)
  • Search Ammo Boxes in different Named Locations (seven)
  • Heal teammates with a Bandage Bazooka (200)
  • Eliminations at Craggy Cliffs or Salty Springs (three)
  • Reboot a teammate (one)
  • Assist teammates with Eliminations (seven)
  • Just like in previous weeks, completing eight of the above-listed challenges unlocks a special Loading Screen that reveals the location of a "FORTNITE" letter. This week's Loading Screen features a hidden letter N. Collect all eight hidden letters over the course of the season to unlock a unique Battle Pass skin. That's all you need to know about EGO Outposts and Fortnite's new Lowdown Challenges for Week 5 of Chapter 2.

    Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile. Week 5 Challenge progress carries across all platforms using the same Epic account.

    What are your thoughts on Fortnite's Week 5 Lowdown Challenges? Were you able to find all five EGO Outpost locations? Tell us in the comments section!

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