Fortnite's Mythic Goldfish Is No Joke

Most Fortnite players believed Chapter 2's Mythic Goldfish item to be unobtainable because of how rare it was, but new evidence has surfaced to show that it's indeed real and is actually quite the powerful weapon. This item can be obtained through the new fishing mechanic and a huge amount of luck, and if you can manage to reel one in and hit another player with it, it's an instant elimination no matter how much health or shields they have.

Fortnite players first spotted the Mythic Goldfish within the game's files as they do most things that come to Fortnite. Since Fortnite's second chapter allows players to fish for resources, it made sense that this Mythic Goldfish would be an item obtained in the same way. The only problem with the feature was that nobody could find a Mythic Goldfish to prove that it exists, until now anyway.

The Fortnite clip below comes from the Redditor by the name of BlakeBenbow who encountered a Mythic Goldfish in one of their matches. Unfortunately for them, they were on the receiving end of the Mythic weapon and weren't the ones reeling it in. Dancing over a player who they'd just eliminated, the player had the same thing happen to them when they got smacked with the Mythic Goldfish which takes the form of a literal fish trophy. The result was an instant elimination.

I was eliminated by a mythic goldfish! I thought it wasn't in the game yet! from r/FortNiteBR

It wasn't all bad though since the person who gets hit with the fish earns an achievement called "Sleep with the Fishes." It can only be earned by being eliminated with one of these items, and judging from how long it took players to find it, it doesn't look like it's going to be an achievement that many other people will have. Some players may find it frustrating that they're not able to find it easily, but it wouldn't be much of a Mythic item if everyone could get it, and being one-shot by an item in every game doesn't exactly sound like an enjoyable time.

When you're fishing for this Mythic Goldish, the rewards you'll be much more likely to find are some less exciting but still useful resources. Building materials and fish that restore health as well as more elusive ones that bolster both health and shields can be found by fishing, and some lucky players will even be able to reel in weapons. You can then take those weapons to an upgrade station if you're able to so you can make the most of Fortnite Chapter 2's new features.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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