Epic Addresses Fortnite Cross-Play Matchmaking Complaints, But Isn't Changing Anything

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Ahead of Fortnite Season 11, which kicks off in just a few days, developer Epic Games is tweaking the way matchmaking works in the hit battle royale game--although not all of these changes have been warmly received. In particular, many in the community have expressed concerns over the fact the game now pairs players from different platforms together, potentially giving those on certain platforms an advantage.

In a new post on the official Fortnite website, Epic addresses these concerns, although it appears the developer is holding firm on its changes. "With the rollout, we've seen a lot of discussion about potentially unfair competitive advantages from pooling players together across platforms and input devices," Epic wrote. "The new matchmaking system, however, accounts for various skill levels across different platforms and control inputs, and groups players of similar skill levels together."

The developer continues: "Our goal with the new matchmaking system is to create fairer matches for all of our players, which includes special considerations for each platform. This means that where similar skill exists, players may be paired against opponents from ALL platforms--whether they're using mouse + keyboard, a controller, or touch input. We are closely monitoring match analytics and your feedback, and we'll make adjustments to ensure everyone is playing a fair match."

As part of these matchmaking changes, Epic is also introducing AI bots to the mix beginning in Season 11. According to the studio, these will "behave similarly to normal players" and are intended to help players hone their skills. The better players become, the fewer bots will appear in a match, Epic says.

Season 10 of Fortnite is being extended an extra week; the season will now end on October 13, with a set of Overtime challenges slated to go live on October 8. In the meantime, you can still complete any of other other weekly challenges from this season. If you need help finishing up any outstanding missions, you can find all of our maps and guides in our complete Fortnite Season 10 challenges roundup.

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